2 in 1 !
Tips&Notes combines tips and notes together.
Whats difference?
/In Tips/
You can add tips and set a warning time. when times up, a notification will appear to remind you, even you device is locked.
/In Notes/
You can record any notes and it will atomatically record the time and content.
/Security Insurance/
You can set a passward when you first launce, also you can cancel it, or set in future.
/Some Useful Information/
1. After times up, the tips will be moved to history box.
2. You can complete one tip manually.
3. Delet tips before it times up, or delet them in history board.
1. You can select a logo as mark for each note.
2. You can edit any pieces of notes by tapping the item.
Any advices or needs, please contact:
"[email protected]"